HOW MUCH DID I DRINK? Oct 06, 2024

“If you have only one life, you can’t altogether ignore the question: are you enjoying it?

Sebastian Faulks


Whenever the subject...

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 A Piece from when I was 7 months alcohol-free

Navigating the New Normal: Reassessing Our Habits

As we start transitioning back to the "new...

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How Can I Be Kinder to Myself?


I've been listening to Dr. Kristen Neff for the past three hours, participating in a course on...

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Mum, What's a Midlife Crisis? Aug 24, 2024

“Mum, what’s a mid-life crisis?”

It was an unexpected question from my 16-year-old the other day. I thought about my own journey...

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Just One Sip - Our Kids and Alcohol Aug 10, 2024

I’ve had a few discussions of late on the prevalence of underage drinking.  I started early, in earnest at about the age of 16, back...

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Three Reasons To Keep Drinking Apr 08, 2024

I used to work with a guy whose job description appeared to be "Run about telling everyone how busy you are but get nothing...

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Alcohol - The Fuel For Growth? Mar 02, 2024

How Alcohol Fueled Freedom

We all know that ethanol, the key component of alcohol, is used to fuel vehicles. But what if I told you that alcohol...

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Why Are We So Scared To Quit Drinking? Aug 10, 2023

Why Are We So Scared To Quit Drinking?

In October 2019 the psychiatrist told me point blank, with very little explanation, that I was ‘one of...

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My husband quit alcohol Feb 21, 2023

My husband is on day 12 of a 90-day alcohol-free commitment. Given that I work with people daily who are doing this you’d think I’d...

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No More Shame Dec 02, 2022

This is my last post for 2022 and one that covers a topic I struggled with for years. Guilt and shame kept me stuck in a cycle of on/off drinking...

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Who is Alcohol? Nov 01, 2022

Who is Alcohol?

 So often we hear the words ‘Relationship with alcohol’.  It inspired me in my early days of being...

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Three Years of Evolution Oct 12, 2022

Most people, including me, can not imagine that they will ever quit alcohol for good.  When I went into a rehab clinic 3 years ago today...

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