How Can I Find The 'Off-Switch'?
If there’s one thing that I hear on a regular basis it’s this – “I need an...
"Have you ever ignored a gut feeling and regretted it? Almost everyone has.
Gut Feeling: Reconnecting with Intuition
Last Tuesday...
What Type of Drinker Are You?
How Drinking Changes with Age, Stage, and Tolerance
I’ve shared in previous emails that alcohol affects...
How’s Your Mental Diet?
When I was at school there was a large poster on the wall showing a fly on a piece of food. You could see the fly was...
The Normal Drinker
The other day, I found myself with a rare afternoon of nothing much to do. I grabbed some snacks, lay on the couch, and...
I recently revisited one of the books that had a profound impact on my life. Written by a psychiatrist who spent time in Auschwitz during...
The Necessary Pain Of Change
I don’t know about you, but last year was a tough year. It involved a lot of growth (aka pain), and I was...
A recent group call inspired this blog post. It's about the extraordinary way we can change how we see alcohol so that it doesn't feel like...
One of the most powerful things that supported me after I quit drinking was understanding the science behind my seeming lack of... |
Figuring Out My Mental Health EquFigation
In the summer of 1998, I was working as a data entry clerk, adding new customer information into a...
My First Alcohol-Free Christmas
My first Christmas without champagne, daiquiris, and copious amounts of white wine was in 2019. It was...
In this post, I’m going to share some of the information that seems to make a significant difference for clients who are in the process of...
The Good, The Bad, and The Reality
If you’re a scroller and curious about quitting alcohol, you’ll likely be fed a lot of content about...
In a brief interview on Studio 10 last year I was asked to define my ‘problem’ with alcohol. I explained that I was not...
Most people begin drinking based on the messages they get that alcohol and socialising go hand in hand. So I’m sharing this as I...
A Piece from when I was 7 months alcohol-free
Navigating the New Normal: Reassessing Our Habits
As we start transitioning back to the "new...
How Can I Be Kinder to Myself?
I've been listening to Dr. Kristen Neff for the past three hours, participating in a course on...
“Mum, what’s a mid-life crisis?”
It was an unexpected question from my 16-year-old the other day. I thought about my own journey...
The story of how I came to be alcohol-free.
The End
On a morning in March 2019 I woke in a hotel in Sydney after a huge night. Something was...
Dear Friends,
Before I quit drinking I used to spend a fair amount of time wondering how others managed to have it all together while I was...
How Alcohol Fueled Freedom
We all know that ethanol, the key component of alcohol, is used to fuel vehicles. But what if I told you that alcohol...
An Introduction to Functional Drinks
Guest BLOG post from Al Volante

“Alessio aka “the Alchemist” deïŹnes himself as a hybrid...
Dear Friends,
When are you truly ready?
When I was drinking, I knew, every morning and for the day or days that followed, that...
The 30 Day Power Pause From Alcohol Is Coming...
Places Are Limited So Join The Waitlist To Be First In Line.
Join Now and Secure Your Place00
Carolyn Nicolson, Retired Executive - UK
"I came to Sarah when I was I was stuck in a rut and had become too dependent upon alcohol. Sarah has the experience, the knowledge and the tools to help, I couldn't have done it without her. Today I am 1.5 years alcohol-free."
Jane Sheridan - client Relations Expert - Aus
"I highly recommend Sarah and her coaching program. Sarah's program gave the guidance to not only live a more authentic life alcohol-free but also gave me the tools for a better performing world and relationships to other and myself."
Karen P - NSW
"Who would have thought I could be Alcohol-free?- I certainly didn't. I have gained so much from working with Sarah. The alcohol was hurting me and I didn't realize how much damage this was actually doing. Thank you for not ever judging and for always being honest. I have now learned to inspire and believe in myself."Â