
I am here to help you find joy and freedom living alcohol-free & beyond.

If you want to  rediscover the extraordinary person you are without alcohol I can help.


  • Do you worry about how much you drink on a regular basis?
  • Do you often feel anxiety or confusion when you wake up after a night of drinking?
  • Do you recognise that it's negatively affecting your mental health, energy, and motivation? 
  • Is alcohol affecting your self-respect and confidence? 
  • Do you feel an inner conflict, knowing that alcohol is holding you back from being your best?

If you've answered yes to any of the above, I understand and I can help. 

I have helped hundreds of high achieving, high-functioning people to totally reset their lives by changing thier relationship with alcohol, and with themselves. 

My goal is to give you the knowledge, tools, understanding, and grace that will allow you to take back control of your life.  So that you can remember who you are, and discover all that you are capable of being. 

My Story

Since quitting alcohol is 2019 I have never been happier or more at peace.  But before I discovered  how to free myself from the grip of alcohol there was no way that I could have imagined living a happy alcohol-free life.  On the outside I was thriving, a successful business owner, mother of two, exercising, even teaching yoga but on the inside I was stuck in a vicious cycle of on-again off-again drinking. 

I drank to relax, to fit in, to deal with stress, to calm my anxiety, to shut down my brain, to pick me up and to numb me out. 

My motivation and potential was slowly being sucked out of me, along with my self-worth.

In 2019 enough was enough. There was no stereotypical rock bottom moment but I finally got honest with myself. After my parents passed I woke up to the reality that my life was passing me by, and that it was worth so much more than spending it hungover, frustrated, and disappointed in myself.  I knew I could do better, I had to make the most of the gift of my life, and I didn’t want to waste any more time. 

I didn't know where to start, I knew I couldn't do it alone because I'd tried many times.  AA didn't appeal and my GP suggested a two-week in-patient clinic so I bit the bullet and went. 

That was in October 2019 and, whilst it's not always been easy, I haven’t drunk since.  My experience triggered a fascination in me to get educated, and to understand everything I could about how and why I got caught in the alcohol trap. 

What I learned removed one of the key elements that had held me back for so long, shame. 

I am compelled to support others in this life-changing journey.    

Whatever your goal, I am here to help.

70 Day Program Info

Alcohol slowly made me distrust and disrespect myself. On my journey  I found Sarah. Her loving spirit was apparent immediately. She had a deep knowing that only someone who had been there would have. She instinctively held space and provided me with information that finally "clicked." Because of her impact on me, I was able to change. I will always be grateful for Sarah.


The single person who had the most impact on my alcohol-free journey is Sarah. She connected with me meaningfully and helped me to level up as a mother, daughter, friend, and global citizen and for that, I am eternally grateful.


With a 30+ year career as a Direct Sales Entrepreneur and Author who has trained tens of thousands of people, and 100s of coaches I can say with confidence that Sarah is one of the best coaches I've ever worked with"


TIM MULCAHY, CEO, Entrepreneur, Coach, Trainer & Author of Salessuperstar.com.

Sarah's coaching has been life-changing for me. She helped me find the courage and curiosity to look at why I was drinking, to understand that and have faith that I could create new neural pathways. Her style is content rich, illuminating and compassionate, I would highly recommend her to anyone.


Thank you for sharing your vulnerability. If you weren't here to coach me, and to just be the person you are, my life would be very different. You're on this earth to do this, and I am so grateful for you.


I have loved your beautiful coaching sessions. I feel you have such a wealth of knowledge and you're so generous and kind and I've loved the journey.


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Get In Touch

'In the end there are only three things that matter; how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things that are not meant for you'


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 Let me send you my free PDF. It will help you to get ready to begin an alcohol-free journey.


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