

Alcohol-Free Lifestyle


 Here are some of the episodes I've hosted for The Alcohol-Free Lifestyle Podcast over the years.

I spent three years as a coach for the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle program. You can learn more about them HERE.

Best Selling Author of 'Alcohol Explained' Shares The Truth About Alcohol - William Porter


Celebrated author William Porter joins Sarah Connelly in this powerful and eye-opening episode on the facts about alcohol. Anyone seeking tools and knowledge to support quitting drinking should not miss this episode.

Website - https://alcoholexplained.com/ Please visit the website for access to the first five chapters of Alcohol Explained.




The Top 5 Fears That Keep People Drinking - Sarah Connelly

Does the idea of quitting alcohol fill you with fear? You're not alone. AFL coach Sarah Connelly unpacks the most common fears shared by clients and presents new empowering ways of approaching them. It's time to stop letting fear get the better of you, it's time to get fear out of the way so you can make the best decision you can make for your health, wealth, relationships and overall fulfilment in life. PLAY🎧>>>



How Alcohol Affects Mental Health - Sarah Connelly

Many of us struggle with mental health challenges at some point in our lives. Personally I used alcohol to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety for years, not making the crucial connection that alcohol was making it all so much worse. When I decided to quit alcohol I wasn't sure how I would cope, but it proved to be the solution. Alcohol and mental health are inextricably linked.  Learn more in this episode. PLAY🎧>>>



How To Process Feelings of Shame - Sarah Connelly

Having a difficult relationship with alcohol brings up all kinds of feelings and emotions. Shame is one of them. In this episode AFL coach Sarah Connelly presents a new way of approaching shame by considering the shared aspects of common humanity & showing that quitting alcohol is something that, if shame is removed, becomes much easier to tackle. There is no shame in being human. PLAY🎧>>>



Are You A Highly Sensitive Person? HSP Explained - Sarah Connelly

High anxiety, overstimulation and overwhelm are common experiences for High Sensory People. In this episode Sarah explains what it means to be an HSP, and how people with this trait can find it more challenging to stop drinking. But there are also a lot of upsides, have a listen to learn more. PLAY🎧>>>




Why I (Reluctantly) Said I Was An Alcoholic - Sarah Connelly

Coach Sarah Connelly shares how she said the words "I'm an alcoholic", even though it felt wrong.

In this episode, she explores where the word came from, what it means, why it's outdated and dangerous and how no one who wants to quit drinking needs to go anywhere near it. PLAY🎧>>>



5 Things I Had To Overcome When I Quit Drinking - Sarah Connelly

Imagine getting over your Overs. Overthinking, Overcritising, Overexercising, Overcompromising, Overcomplicating and Overdrinking to cope. Now four years alcohol-free, Coach Sarah Connelly shares how she's getting over the habits that kept her stuck in the cycle of drinking for over 30 years. PLAY🎧>>>



5 Ways My Kids Say I'm A Better Mother - Sarah Connelly

People often worry about who will notice that they are no longer drinking, but forget that the most important people in their lives will often be thrilled. Especially our children. Having used alcohol to cope with the hectic years of early parenting, Sarah now shares her children's feedback on what they love about her no longer drinking. PLAY🎧>>>



Quit Alcohol And Thrive - The 4 Stages Of Transformation - Sarah Connelly

Use quitting alcohol as your catalyst for deep personal growth. If you want to live your best life you must get out of your comfort zone. It's non-negotiable. Learn the 4 step process that will inspire you to move from comfort to empowering transformation. PLAY🎧>>>



5 Top Tips For When You First Quit Alcohol - Sarah Connelly

Learn what not to do when you first quit drinking. Based on personal experience and that of 100's of coaching clients Sarah shares her most valuable tips on how to maximise your success for quitting drinking.




10 Positive Things That Happened From Stopping Drinking - Sarah Connelly

Most people know about the multiple health benefits of quitting alcohol. But there's so much more. Find out what they are In this episode where Coach Sarah Connelly shares the less tangible but equally as compelling benefits that she has experienced since quitting alcohol 4 years ago. PLAY🎧>>>



Why Do We Even Crave Alcohol? Science Explained - Sarah Connelly

Cravings can make quitting alcohol very uncomfortable. In this epsiode Coach Sarah explains where they come from, why we have them and what to do when they take hold. You will also learn a secret about them that can set you on a path of empowering self discovery. PLAY🎧>>>



10 Things You'll Miss When You Stop Drinking - Sarah Connelly

When people focus on what they're going to miss out on by quitting drinking they often focus only on the downsides, like being left out or not being able to 'relax'. In this episode, Coach Sarah Connelly shares 10 things you'll be pleased to miss out on when you stop drinking. PLAY🎧>>>



Surprising Facts About Alcohol You Need To Know - Sarah Connelly

Would you eat a Big Mac and fries every night? Do you think Vodka & Soda is 'healthy'? Does alcohol lift you up or bring you down? Just some of the things Sarah Connelly discusses when talking about things we didn't know about alcohol. PLAY🎧>>>



What My Friends Said After I Quit And How I Dealt With It - Sarah Connelly

On my final day of rehab I went out and met a friend for drinks. It was not planned and I was terrified. If you're afraid of what people will say when you tell them you're not drinking have a listen. What they said will not be what you're expecting. PLAY🎧>>>



Kinesiologist Reveals How To Create Change With Ease - Terese Mudgway

From boardroom executive to holistic healer, our guest Terese Mudgway is no stranger to change. In this episode, Mudgway explains to Coach Sarah Connelly why it can be so hard to change our habits and provides practical tools that can help us conquer our fear of change and step into new ways of being (not having and doing). PLAY🎧>>>



It Took Me 50 Years To Manage My Mental Health, Here's How I Did It - Sarah Connelly

Coach Sarah Connelly had experienced mental health challenges from her early 20's. Like many she relied of various support including anti-depressants, counselling and alcohol. It took years of pain and the death of her parents to finally wake her up to the fact that no matter what she did to try and feel better, if she kept drinking, she was wasting her time. PLAY🎧>>>



5 Reasons Moderation Is So Hard

What are the chances of controlling our consumption of an addictive substance? Whilst many claim they can moderate what does that actually mean? And is it worth it? In the episode, Coach Sarah Connelly shares the reality of moderation and 5 reasons that make it hard to just say no. PLAY🎧>>>



Your Persistant Inner Critic - How To Work With It To Combat Your Cravings

Coach Sarah Connelly talks you through how she dealt with the inner critic to work through cravings.  PLAY🎧>>>